Message: China Could Reprice Gold to $100,000/oz - Bill Holter
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China Could Reprice Gold to $100,000 per Ounce-Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter On November 4, 2015 In Market Analysis 311 Comments

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and gold expert Bill Holter contends China has enormous debt problems, but a very good plan B. Holter explains, “China used fiat debt to build real infrastructure, and when the system blows up, the fiat debt blows away and they are left with infrastructure. Do they have 20% bad loans? They very well could and probably do. If it is true that they are going to have a debt blow up, don’t forget China has been importing big tonnage of gold for years now. Over the last five years, they have imported 9,000 tons of gold. Their way out is the old way out. The old way out was to revalue gold higher. They could revalue gold and step up and say they will pay $50,000 or $100,000 per ounce for any and all ounces for sale. You can’t say there is not enough gold. What you can say is that it’s not priced correctly to support the system. If they have an implosion of debt which leaves their balance sheets impaired, the way to recapitalize the balance sheets is to revalue the price of gold higher. It creates capital, in other words.”

How about the U.S. debt problem? Holter says, “That does not and cannot work for the U.S. because we have offloaded our gold. Simple math tells you the gold that China received has to come from somewhere, and that only somewhere in the world is Western U.S. vaults.”

Could the U.S. still have its more than 8,000 tons of gold? Holter says, “That’s pure ‘hopium’ that the U.S. still has their gold. Common sense and logic tells you that the gold is gone.”

So, has the U.S. budget and debt ceiling deal fixed anything? Holter says, “If they didn’t raise the debt ceiling, there would have been an immediate implosion. You have to understand, Americans are the only people on earth that aren’t laughing at the debt ceiling. Foreigners are laughing at it. You are talking about $20 trillion. It can’t be paid. We are at 110% of GDP already, and we’re the reserve currency.”

Holter goes on to say, “It’s another bubble. It’s going to burst, and the banks are in worse condition now from a debt to equity standpoint. Nothing has changed–it’s just bigger.”

Holter worries about possible deals between Saudi Arabia and Russia that could impair the petro-dollar. Holter says, “The (dollar) dam is leaking, at this point, because there is less and less use of the dollars around the world. . . . If Saudi Arabia were to say we’ll accept euros, yuan or rubles for oil or if they said we won’t accept dollars anymore, that’s like pulling a center piece out of a dam. It will break, and it’s over for the dollar. They could do that, and they could get bombed back to the stone-age, but I am sure it’s been talked about.”

Holter says there is “no rule of law,” and criminal activity has suppressed the price of physical gold. Holter says, “We have been through a four year period of time where paper gold has been pounding the price of physical gold. You have people who were strong legged, hard money guys who are weak in the knees now, and they shouldn’t be. My hope is we can strengthen some weak knees, to not sell you only insurance in a financial Armageddon. It is mathematically coming. There is absolutely no possible exit with the system intact and the rule of law.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Bill Holter of

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:

Bill Holter is a prolific writer and you can find new articles and analysis every week on the homepage of If you would like to join the Question and Answer session featuring Bill Holter and legendary gold expert Jim Sinclair on November 14th in Los Angeles, please click here for more information.

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