Message: Re: 2016
Dec 16, 2015 01:36PM
Dec 16, 2015 06:20PM
Dec 16, 2015 06:37PM
Dec 16, 2015 07:08PM
Dec 16, 2015 09:38PM

I should have said, Fastfoot remember I posted earlier...

it was mburns and his hoodlum short sellers who derailed the Green Fuel deal. Out of pure desperation to protect their enormous short positions, they worked day-n-night to swamp Congress on Capital Hill and the Mississippi Gov. with their emails and telphone calls to stop the financing, or they would have been destroyed financially!!

Do you guys also remember that record trading day for Silverado? something like 600 million shares traded in one day, and the stock remained unchanged by the end of trading!! This was a perfect example of the traders (brokerage houses shorting) blind-sided by the huge buy orders. The shorts had no choice but counter each buy order, tit-for-tat, to neturalize the massive upside potential on the chart or they would have been destroyed!!

This is why mburns is still hanging around watching and posting on the boards. He can't sleep at nights until he knows for a fact, that Silverado is totally seperated from all their claims and is completely dead. Until then, mburns worries that somehow, someway, Garry Anselmo will find the right financing to move the Nolan Creek Gold-Antimony Project (the real treasure chest of Silverado Gold Mines) forward into product. Thereby distroying mburns, the last (foolish-greedy short) canary bird trapped in the Silverado Gold Mine.

Dec 17, 2015 08:51AM
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