Sonde Resources Corp

Exploration and production of oil and natural gas.

Message: Affidavit: Mike Coolen -Canadian Superior intends to take over Challenger's 25%

"Have I missed something here on the 85 million for 25% that was turn down. I thought I saw in one of these posts that Challenger owed Superior 40 million for back costs that they could not pay because they ran out of money. Know if they owe 40 million and they probably had spent another 40 million up to the date that there money ran out where is the profit for them? Any one" - Creeker

I expect that Challenger will come out of all of this with some profit after they pay their share of the remaining costs that they owe Canadian Superior Energy. The $85 million dollars that was offered by a "New Jersey Company" appears to be a low ball offer and Challenger's share should be higher than this after the final sale. I could be very wrong, but I don't see Challenger ending up with nothing after all of they money that they have already spent on their share of the drilling on the three wells. I guess the amount that they will end up will either be determined by their partner(s) or the courts.

Cheers; Scott

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