Welcome To The Spicy Pickle HUB On AGORACOM

Spicy Pickle restaurants serve high quality meats and fine Italian Artisan breads along with a wide choice of 10 different cheeses, 21 different toppings, and 15 proprietary spreads to create healthy and delicious panini and sub sandwiches.



Tonight, we're giving our website a serious makeover.  

So if you can't access the site for a bit, don't worry, we're just sprucing things up for an even smoother experience.  

In the event that you experience issues accessing the new site, please clear your browser's cookies and cache. 

See You On The Other Side!

Message: SPKL The last financial...

...and watching, and watching. Urban Cafés (Canada) and Spicy Pickle continue to struggle. There does not seem to be much hope for quite a while, here. The economy does not help. It looks like SPKL is still struggling to find an adequate image...

The 3 and 6 month financials for 2011 show greater losses comparatively to 2011...

I prefer just to watch, for now...


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