Welcome To The Spicy Pickle HUB On AGORACOM

Spicy Pickle restaurants serve high quality meats and fine Italian Artisan breads along with a wide choice of 10 different cheeses, 21 different toppings, and 15 proprietary spreads to create healthy and delicious panini and sub sandwiches.



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See You On The Other Side!

Message: BG Urban Cafe

I have watched in horror how foreign companies just don't understand the local markets. The BG Urban Cafes is a classic case and are a total mess. Every time I seem to go past a BG Cafe it has closed or it is lacking customers. They have managed to completely destroy any advantage "The Bread Garden" name had. Only a very naive CEO would employ a company (Zimmerman) from FLORIDA, USA to rebrand something in CANADA that would fail so miserably. The location on Broadway CLOSED, Hamilton Street CLOSED and now the location on Bute Street CLOSED and that location did sales of over $1m in the past. Bad bad mistakes from people who obviously have little clue on how to turn companies around and will rely on and blame others for their shortcomings. It is a matter of time before they go bust here in Vancouver. The Spicy Pickle franchises are going to meet the same slow death and the powers to be just can't work out why. Open your eyes or find people who have a vision.

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