I find this suspension curious. It's not that UC is just involved in McFauld's mineral play. They are involved in Mexico big time, with the Gammon Lake deposit having an estimated 8 million ounces of gold!
You will notice on the UC Resources website that it is Jim Voisin who has signed the announcement from UC about the filing delay. A great way to start a job! Why him? Why now? UC's financial papers were sent to the auditors, but still did not get to the TSX Venture on time.
All I can think is that UC management has fumbled the ball. I expect that it will not materially affect SPQ since there is a legal agreement and there's lots of money to be made... but I now feel a little less comfortable about UC's management. Without strong management - which is not necessarily the case here - any company should be reviewed carefully when it comes to investing in it.
I wonder what John Kaiser now thinks about UC Resources? Time for more due diligence, Mr. Kaiser.