Gloomy day? I think not.
Romeo, thanks for the phone call. You are correct. This Freewest Option program is slated for 5000 meters. That's what's in its budget. Neil has noted elsewhere that if he hits something big, the gameplan will be re-jigged.
Remember, the budget is something like $2 million - and this is split 50/50 between SPQ-KWG and FWR. SPQ has $6 million in the bank, which I believe includes the $1 million for the Freewest Option drilling.
It is especially nice to hear that news is upcoming somewhere near the end of March from this drilling program. I can guarantee you if something big is found, we'll hear about it. (As JustDuke commented on the NOT board, if you see boxes of pizzas being carried into NOT-SPQ headquarters, it's time for big news!!!)
So in my humble estimation, we ain't got the motherlode yet but .... :)