Welcome To The Spider Resources HUB On AGORACOM

First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: Who do I invest in?

Fogfish ...

If you're a new poster on the SPQ board - welcome!!! Good to have you on board the USS Spider (for our American friends), HMS Spider (for our British friends), and HMCS Spider (for us Canucks). We're having a round of halibut and chips with a cool pint of beer in the "mess" tonight.

I'm not too certain what the designation for a naval ship would be for Helium (Belgium), and I'm not too certain whether Jeannie has a navy in Switzerland (I hope I got your nationality correct) unless it's on Lake Constance.

My understanding is that Neil was in meetings all day long. I doubt whether this is unusual while he's in Toronto. But hopefully he's poring over some wording of an upcoming NR, which will cause us all to leap up in joy.

Fogfish - once again welcome. All thoughtful posts are welcome.


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