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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: Time has changed the ROF

Dec 11, 2008 06:06AM

Time has changed the ROF

in response to share structure by bushmills
posted on Dec 11, 08 10:38AM
posted on Dec 10, 08 05:40PM "

I am taking the opportunity to repost a post of an individual who has not posted here for some time, a post i saved to my file as it struck me that this type of post is what makes the Agoracom community what it is. I thank sparkligwatr in advance for his time, at the time, in putting the post together, I do think he's still around though. His post contains an assortment of posts with pics and links from some respected contributors.The posts are in regards to Noronts sponsored CIM luncheon back in April. These posts all have 1 thing in common, the sheer enthusiasm for the potential of the Ring of Fire, enthusiam thats been a little lacking of late, hence this post. Each post has a tell to the future, a future which i beleive we are currentlyu witnessing. Wish i could post pics from the full report which shows the x-section layouts of how the shafts etc are set up on Eagle One for mining the resource, can't seem to get it to work though. Perhaps someone who can post them wil do so, they are great. This is a trip "back" in time, while at the time was a looking glass to the future. Enjoy

Valuable NOT Hub luncheon posts from valued member QQ_Girl, Snug and Milsy

posted on Apr 18, 08 12:54AM

Text of their posts are at bottom of this one, and if you like what you read please cast votes at their Links as they deserve the credit for sharing this McFaulds area info



luncheon - more a bit later

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 06:29PM

hello everyone - just arrived home - yes, I am sorry, I did take the time away from the computer to enjoy a bit of socializing with some of the other Agoracom Notiers.... such a pleasure to meet them in person - Snugs, Milsy, MGB, Babjak, her husband, retirerich... thank you for the sharing and fellowship

there are lots of interesting things to share, nothing earth shattering, or you would have had an NR - I am going to relax for a few minutes or more, say hello to my honey and then type a least a bit for you tonight - it was the 'first' Technical Presentation and therefore would have been very interesting to the geos amoungst us - I will try to pass on what was said and please, Milsy, MGB, Snugs, retirerich, please pitch in and fill out, add to, correct etc...

yes, you are correct, I did have a plan in place in case anything really big was announced... :) also I did speak to the gentleman from Vale....

back in a bit QQ


luncheon - part 1

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 06:50PM

the first person I met and talked to was Mac Watson - 'things are good' 'going to be there for a lot of years' - "patience"

second person - the geo from Hawk who I also met at PDAC - "things are good" "very exciting things happening"

-said hello to Mr. Nemis - said hello to Neil ... time for lunch

lunch - the usual - salad (good blue cheese on top) salmon with vegies - fruit, cookies & coffee  lol

Head Table introduced - Nemis, Harvey, Novak, Bill White, Mike White, Larry Smith (Vale/Inco), lady lawyer for Noront, Major Ken Sproule

1st speaker - Larry Smith - he was there to tell us about an initiative that Vale is encourage, a marriage between the military and geology - there are 4000 troops per year over the next few years that will be exiting the military and will need jobs.... there is a huge shortage of people to work in the exploration and mining industry - there are going to try to put the two together - the military guys/gals have management skills and are good at "blowing things up"  :)

2nd speaker - Mike White (IKB) - he introduced Neil - talked about his 30 years in the industry - his willingness to talk endlessly to the investors, to travel for the business and his love of his family - most of you know the story how he originally went to the area in search of diamonds and found them - also found copper and the PGEs etc - talked of his ongoing relationship with the First Nations people etc

......... more to come


luncheon - part 2

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 06:58PM

3rd speaker - Neil Novak

Said that this was the first "Technical Presentation" - emphasized "Safe Harbour" and "forward looking statements" also said that the visuals he would be showing are kind of like "cartoons" - that was the only way the lawyers would allow them to show and talk as he did

the first slide disclosed various investor positions - NOT 10%, Pinetree 10%, Rosseau 9%, Sprott 9%, IBK 4%, SPGP 3/4%

2007 did 5,336 metres of drilling, sufficient for a resource estimate

they will be drilling through break up however side information disclosed there might be a 2 week break as many of the guys have not been home in 3 months or more

slide - showed a 'cartoon' of Eagle One with a tail that heads due south - could be a conduit joining the pods together

went over the history of the Eagle One claims  - won't repeat it here as most of you know it and it is also available on old NR's - basically they have paid all necessary moneys to claim 100% other than the 1% smelter fee which they can buy out for $500,000

35 holes have been drilled - they are tracing the occurence to the south with 25 to 50 metre stepouts both horizontaly and vertically

Eagle One has been traced 200 metres to the south and 250 m deep - it skied out to the north and is open to the south and at depth still



luncheon - part 3

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 07:06PM

more warnings about Forward Statements and "cartoons" these deposits are unpredicatable and caution is needed.....

showed a very interesting set of cartoons showing the layout of the occurence - in 50 metre increments - I can't draw here so you will just have to take my word for it that it was cool looking  :) maybe Snugs or Milsy will draw it and post it - basically is showed it plunging steeply to the south

it is going somewhat as they expected it to - along a sill or dike.... with a good possibility of more at depth - a multitude of deposits on a sill or dike - regionally looking a bit or a lot like Raglan

Eagle Two had a very wide chromatite layer

AT1 - a geophysical target yet to be understood... :)

in the cartoons there were some MM's pictured way deep that "may or may not exist";

the trend is SW to NE or visa versa - overlaid by swamp and limestone so very little outcropping and they must rely on the alternate methods of discovery

regarding the centre of the ring it is a Granadorite (sp?) basement complex they believe to be 3 million years old - around the edges volcanic and _______ that is about 2.73 years old - and then there is the ultramafic instrusion which they are getting close to be able to put a date on



luncheon - part 4

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 07:13PM

then talked about Jim Mungall and Jim Franklin's thoughts - sorry not being a geo this may sound confusing - again any others please step in - they believe the Eagles are because of Faulting... Eagle One conduit, pooling, trap Eagle Two - shear hosted, fault, steeply plunging cylinder body 225 metres so far

then showed something with white lines that showed "domains" (don't know what that was)

talked about 'folds' and mentioned the SPQ/FWR property (he would love to do a whole 'nother talk about SPQ, obviously) :)

talking to the Ontario Mining Clains people - 1688 claims recorded, the most ever since Hemlo in one area (as of the end of March)

still working on Eagle One - still working on Eagle Two - the Due Diligence people for the 43-101 are on site and checking everything, core etc

still continuing to acquire land

they are now having more hits than misses

continuing to do JVs

4th drill will arrive in June

showed us a photo of the camp with a Hawke 748 (sorry if this is not correct) airplane

main camp - drill camp - 70 people

access is good - 59 km to Webequie - 115 km to Marten Falls and they are working with the first nations people in Marten Falls on a road - mentioned deBeers in the area and the railhead to Moosonee - so all avenues are being considered

.... good stuff to come but dinner is ready - back in a while



luncheon - part 5

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 08:28PM

mmmmmmmm that was delicious  :)

okay so where was I was... oh yes

comparisons to other large projects...

the multiple targets remind them of Jinchuan (China) or Raglan (Ungawa)

the chromatite reminds them of Bushveld in S.Africa or Stillwater

there are still lots of large targets to explore

Neil then talked about the fact that he is even meeting with the trappers in the area to make sure everyone is happy - Snugs mentioned the request by the natives to give the returning geese an opportunity to migrate safely and I would hope that because of his relationship with them they will all be able to work together on this - many of the first nations people are also investors and so I am sure there are mixed emotions.... there is also an upcoming meeting on Tuesday coming with all of the princals of many of the companies, I believe they may be looking at areas of joint promotions and also ways of working closer with the first nations and helping (donating) to some of their issues - I am sure we will see some press on this after the meeting - good on them!

speaking of donations - Neil was given a plaque by CIM (the hosts) of a donation to Mining Matters by the Can Institute of Mining

there was just one question from the crowd - from the folks at BMO sitting at our table "when are the assays coming?" - Neils answer was "hopefully a week for Eagle 2" and the chromatite should be another 3 or 4 weeks, they are at Actlabs McMaster Lab

that is the end of the formal presentation - I will try to put a few more tidbits that I learned in the next post....


lncheon - tidbits

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 08:49PM

James Bay Resources - I spoke to Mr. Al Shefsky before the luncheon as I recognized his last name as being the same as the sole owner of James Bay Resouces who has done a fair amount of staking around the ring - I discovered the name of the owner, Stephen Shefsky, by paying online to do so, about 10 days ago - I did make an attempt to contact Mr. Shefsky, at that time, to see what his intentions were as he is the CEO of another resource company and a director of others - he did not return my attempt to contact him and so it was good to meet his brother - Al told me that Stephen does intend to IPO James Bay Resources and so we can all keep an eye out for that if interested - again a warning - due your DD on all companies and people and don't buy just because they are there - Al seemed like a nice gentleman and he was very interested in the copy I had with me of Helium's latest PDF of all the staking in the area and was impressed with how much we knew about the ROF.

I spoke again with Peter & Ian Brodie-Brown from Tribute and they confirmed they have also continued their staking and some of the unknowns on the latest maps we have are theirs - they are working with some new technology that they hope will give them an edge and they are also hoping to start drilling in June, possibly May if breakup goes fairly fast. ; Blaine Webster from Goldeye and his geologist, Emily Ballent (Tribute's JV partner) were also there and very enthused still about the ongoing work [a reminder that Nemis and Harvey are on both Boards].

It was also confirmed that Bold continued/s to stake adjacent to the JV claims they already have with Noront.

I am intrigued with the center of the ring as there are some who believe it is barren and others who are very excited to be there - I did ask someone about it at the meeting today and they did not know either - Neil did talk about the granadotite? in the center but no conclusions...

as yes, Mr Smith from Vale/Inco - I had the opportunity to speak to him briefly at the end - I told him I knew where their 8 claims were and asked if they were continuing to stake.... he said that he did not know the answer to that question but gave me the name of the gentleman that would.  So I tried another tact...  :) I said "okay, so you are sitting at the head table, with Noront, what are the chances you are planning to invest/buy out/call it what you will?"; He said - obviously I can't answer your question directly however.... you may wish to check our website - check our company committments to production, check our current projects... do they add up to our committments? the answer to that is the answer is the answer to your question........  not exactly startling or extraordinary news as many of you have already said this exact thing, just very nice to shake the hand of the person that confirms it :)

okay, the glass of wine is now kicking in and I am starting to forget if I know more....  if I remember more over the next couple of days I will be happy to post it

in general - there was a feeling that something substantial happened in the last day or so that is making everyone very happy - the lawyer was there to be sure there were no leaks ;- it's all good and as the griz likes to say "drill it and they will come" ....

thank you again to my fellow Notarians, it was a fun afternoon, what better way to spend it and I look forward to many more such meetings and to meeting more and more of you all.... QQ


Re: luncheon - part 1

Posted by: QQ_Girl on April 17, 2008 09:44PM

In response to: Re: luncheon - part 1 by retirerich

thank you, RR, yes, I did forget Mac was at the head table ;- a very nice gentleman and they do such a good job with the promotional materials - he is so very calm and low key that I forgot to mention that there was some excitement about FWR and the claims that they have and that the trend SW NE goes right up into their area - do you remember what they said about drilling? I know it is FWR and not NOT however what is good for the close/and all area plays is good for NOT, especially when they are potentially part of the same system.... QQ



CIM luncheon - another set of ears and eyes

Posted by: SnugTheJoiner on April 17, 2008 08:09PM

The CIM luncheon for the IBK sponsored Noront presentation was terrific. It took place in one of the largest presentation/dining rooms at the National Club on Bay Street in Toronto. I inquired about the number of registered attendees: the answer 157. There were probably more with a number registering at the door.The presentation was a "technical presentation" specifically designed for the mining community. I suspect many of the attendees were mining people although I know there were others including software people (Geosoft), bankers (BMO Nesbitt Burns), and students.Prior to the luncheon, I spoke briefly with Neil inquiring about the drilling at the Freewest Option. Six (6) holes have been drilled to this point. Things are moving ahead on schedule with sufficient personnel to complete the drilling program. I didn't inquire about assay results knowing that Neil would say "coming shortly.  However, numerous conversations during and after the luncheon confirm the "richness" of the Freewest Option and the 100% owned Freewest claims.I overheard Neil saying that his "recent vacation was spent on the phone and on the Internet. At one point the Internet went down in his room, ;so he went to the bar and asked the bartender if he could use the Internet in the bar. The bartender said "Yes ... as long as "you buy a drink.” By the sounds of it, Neil had a lot of Bloody Marys.The head table was pretty impressive: Novak, Nemis, Harvey, Watson (Freewest), William White (IBK), Mike White (IBK), Larry Smith (Vale-Inco), Rick Hudson (CIM), the Noront lawyer, and a couple of other folks.The Agoracom table was actually just as impressive with QQ_Girl, Bajak1, MDG, Milsy, and myself Snug. ; Bajak's significant other was a "hanger on" (actually a really nice dude), and Retirerich was hob-nobbing with the rich and famous at another table. There were three BMO folks who somehow snuck into seats at our table. However, we ignored them. ; :)The technical presentation was very good. ;; There wasn't a great deal of information, however, to pump up the share price. But then, I don't think that was the intent of this luncheon.The overall impression I got from the presentation was the very huge and complex nature of the Ring of Fire geology, specifically in the area surrounding Eagle One, but also in the whole of McFaulds including the Freewest Option. In part I think that the "delays" in getting results of any nature but more specifically the Eagle One 43-101 is due to this complexity. But the number of anomalies just in the area of Eagle One are numerous, but their mineralization continues to be poorly understood - because of not of enough drilling (which takes time). It will require time, time, ;and more time.The complexity of the geology was illustrated by new 3D graphics of Eagle One presented by Neil. ; I won't even try to fully describe the graphics. Suffice it to say, he presented "vertical slices of Eagle One" over about a kilometer to the southwest from drill hole #5. It showed the MMS anomaly surrounded by peridotite. Very impressive. So when will the 43-101 be ready? In a couple of months was the answer. P&E (the engineering company doing the 43-101) was up to Eagle One in the last week to do more due diligence. This is a very good sign.Drilling at Eagle Two is progressing very well. ;; As Neil put it, "the hit-miss ratio";; is being lowered. (I expect that the same is happening at the Freewest Option.)  Noront continues to do airborne surveys and a fourth drill will be onsite in June. ;; 40 men and three drills are going 24/7. ; (I understand that there will be a short pause during Spring breakup during which the drill crews will take a break. I also understand that the Native peoples have requested a break in constant helicopter traffic to allow migrating birds to head north.)At the end of the presentation, the bankers asked a familiar question: "When will you get the assays?” I thought that I heard Neil say that the PGE assays will be back within a week, and the chromitite assays back in 3-4 weeks. So they are coming folks.Neil also noted that Noront has been working with the First Nations peoples (2 communities) at Marten Falls. They want to help with building an all-year-round road. ;Moreover, Noront wants to get the people from these communities to help with exploration work.

Finally, I have a number of pictures from the luncheon. I will be working again with "provinsys";; to post them on the web. Stay tuned.



Luncheon pictures

Posted by: SnugTheJoiner on April 17, 2008 09:50PM

Thanks once again to Jim (provinsys), here are the pictures taken at the CIM luncheon.





Wow QQ

Posted by: Milsy1 on April 17, 2008 09:52PM

You wrote exactly what I was planning on conveying to the forum. (NOT)

For all of you who have read QQ_Girl's luncheon posts, you owe her a big thank you as her uncanny ability to report the details has saved each of you the $50.00 price of admission. Nice work yet again QQ. Thank you!

Like many of you I am sure, I was a little disappointed that we did not have a halt today to coincide with today's meeting. I was hopeful of attending the meeting and hearing first hand some new developments from the powers that be. Although that did not come to fruition, it was a great day nonetheless.

Although I have been a Noront shareholder for quite some time, today was the first day that I have met other Noront shareholders (other than those introduced to Noront by myself) and Mr. Nemis himself.

It was my pleasure today to meet QQ_Girl, MGB, Snug, Babjak (also her significant other) and retirerich.

I also had the pleasure of speaking with Richard briefly. As donnypee eluded to in an earlier post, Richard's words to me were "hold tight";;. (For the record, I don't think ;;you were there donnypee but you certainly are connected)

Again, you have all read QQ's and Snug's reporting of the luncheon. I do not have much to add other than the following couple of points:

- Neil had conveyed with the recent takedown of the warrants, they have roughly $53MM in the bank.

- In order to define a zone as mineralized, Noront will be using a .5% cut-off (nickel/copper) ;;I beleive that Neil was referring to the cut-off rate for the 43-101. I could be mistaken and if so, can somebody help me out.

- Noront would expect to see other massive sulphides at depth along a sill or dyke like structure.

- still working away on E2 - it is steeply dipping and they are chasing down to 250 metres depth thus far. With respect to the hit-to-miss ratio, I think it was specific to E2. If this is the case, do not be suprised to see some misses but they are now hitting more than not.

As many of you already know I am long NOT. Although today did not offer up any share price appreciation news, it certainly strengthened my resolve to "HOLD TIGHT";.



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