SPQ will have to pay KWG 1/3 of KWG's the Total Expendature on the FWR JV property.
That is how KWG set up the current arrangement a couple of Years ago.
If you recall, once the KWG Diamond Spin off thing was setteled internal to KWG, KWG made some changes to their BoD and Top Management so as to bring in the Sulfide Ni and Cr Expertise to assist in their assuming responsibility for this Year's FWR JV Operatorship.
With that said, there was a lot of discussion/negociation going on between the two (SPQ & KWG) where FWR would have been needed to also be involved. What came of that is NOT so clear to me, though SPQ did spend much more than initially planed on the FWR JV, which included doing the Miron Study Work for the purpose of allowing for a much more intensive (and likely also extensive) Drilling Program this Winter/Spring and Summer. And due to the potential involvement of Majors, as it existed last Fall due to the NOT Proxy thing, SPQ went the extra mile and drilled sufficiennt Density of holes to support doing/including a NI 43 - 101 on the Drilling Results to Date.
Now we have very interesting ACTION happening all over the Back Rooms, so it so clearly seems.
Old Joe