What are the implications and message implicit in this morning's Noront news release? How should the investor in Spider Resources read 'the tea leaves'?
Here's a start. This quote from this morning's news release is from Joe Hamilton:
"The new vanadium discovery marks the beginning of an important new chapter in the development of Noront’s Ring of Fire multi metals high-grade discovery group."
The Ring of Fire is not a 'flash in the pan' investment. Spider Resources is also not a 'flash in the pan' investment. Noront has found this panoply of metal riches via the drill bit.
If you are really worried about Spider Resources, shake your head and dump your shares. If you think Neil Novak wants to find the same riches on the Freewest Option land, then your 'tea leaves' should tell you something about the potential riches to be found. If you think Jim Voisin is excited about the potential in his JV with SPQ and KWG, then surely your 'tea leaves' are also hinting about some more potential riches.
These investments are not measured in weeks or months. How about years? If you don't like them and the amount of time you're going to have to hang in there, I suggest that the ROF juniors are not for you.
To my way of thinking, an investment in SPQ, NOT, FWR, and UC will bring some handsome rewards. But not next week! Moreover, it needs to be done via the drill bit. Which needs money. Which needs investors. Who need patience.