Doing there home work as they go....
Metallurgical Update
The companies are pleased to report that it has received the results of scoping level mineral beneficiation test work conducted by SGS Lakefield Research Limited and a geometallugical study conducted by Cliffs Natural Resources on the Big Daddy Chromite Prospect. These early stage studies will guide both ongoing sampling requirements during drilling and subsequent resource modelling and beneficiaton studies.
The result of conducting gravity separation test on eight samples covering the range from low grade to high grade ledto the following conclusions;
- Some of the massive chromite has a grade >40% Cr2O3 which can be considered direct shipping ore with 1.9 Cr:Fe ratio
medium grade ore, 20-40% Cr2O3, can be upgraded to saleable material
- The average of 110 SEM-EDS analyses of chromite grains by Cliffs are; 7.4% MgO, 12.64% Al2O3, 0.54% TiO2, 51.29% Cr2O3, and 27.46% FeO.
- grind size needs to be optimized in future testing to improve recoveries at low and medium grades
A sulphide flotation test of the chromitite produced a concentrate containing 14 g/t palladium, 3 g/t platinum, and 1 g/t gold. An evaluation of the distribution of all 6 PGE's is underway. The minerals sperrylite (PtAs2) and stibiopalladinite (Pd3Sb) and an unkown compound of Os-Ru-As-S were identified by Cliffs in a hanging wall pyroxenite sample containing 2.24 g/t palladium and 2.36 g/t platinum over 0.5 metres.
Great times ahead.......RL