What a week! I managed to get more Spider on the cheap. Also - gold! What an opportunity. Bought yesterday when everything tanked and sold this AM. Still holding some oil though - didn't quite get to my preconceived (head) price. Monday I hope.
I couldn't believe the bloodbath yesterday.As someone said on one of these ROF boards: 'one needs a cast iron stomach'.
Sure am looking for something great - even moderately great with Spider. With any luck, I'll soon have a million.
This PM I was listening to a broadcast that claimed all was not hunky-dory in USA Congress on a specific bill before it. Immediately, the Canadian dollar turned "green", up several points from the morning "red" and gold did an about face and headed "green". If one has the time to listen and watch the ticker-tape, there is money to be made.
And as for the ROF - there are good buys - Spider for one and KWG. what about BMK? One doesn't hear much about it?Any thoughts?