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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: Re: railroad to the ring of fire
Apr 11, 2010 04:25AM

We should really thanks to TXRogers that put finally the end to speculation what is priority target for CLF and that is Big Daddy deposit. I will put his great post once again here. It is really great and finally we can figure out that Big Daddy is the main target and not Black Laber or Black Thor. Very important since SPQ in this kind of story is very important factor for CLF and some 3rd party cand do a mess to CLF plans. Here is post:

Ahhh, I finally lived to see the day......a speculative investor that wants some proof ? I can't give you proof (nobody can), but I sure as heck can give you some hints which are right under all our noses. You just have to look.

example: Two + Two = .........(you take a guess at the answer)

The fact is CLIFFs is already major shareholder
of KWG. And if you don't believe me, keep reading.

KWGs subsidiary Canada Chrome Corporation engaged
Krech Ojard & Associates of Duluth, Minnesota to provide engineeringservices for the construction of the 350km railroad link tothe Ring of Fire. Krech Ojard is a major railroad engineering and constructionfirm that has completed a number of projects with Cliffs Natural Resources in the past. Krech is very up front about it's historic ties ties to CLIFFs. All you have to do is read the first paragraph of their "portfolio showcase" web-site that clearly declares " KWG’s principal shareholder Cliffs Natural Resources" :
Note: Read the Krech web link completely and you will find even more hints at the true intentions on the ROF.

KWG is basically a pimple on an elephants rump in comparison to both CLIFFs and Krech. Krech has a deep and historic relationship with CLIFFs and no history with KWG until this recent ROF railroad project. And the only reason why KWG even staked out the optimal railroad route was because Krech did the legwork and their historic client - CLIFFs - was behind it. KWG was a basically diamond hunter in the right place at the right time (like SPQ) and hit onto something even bigger with the ROF chromite deal.

And this you can be sure of: CLIFFs is not goingto spend millions of dollars on a speculative play in a Northern Ontarioswamp without controlling the game. They are not that stupid.

Now I will take you one step further. CLIFFs took over FWR, acquired a major percentage ownership in KWG, and then set Krech Ojard with KWG to build a railroad to go after one thing: CLIFFs wants control of the Big Daddy deposit.

Now how do we know this ? Because in the Krech Spring 2010 newsletter (see link) below, the talk is all about the Big Daddy deposit. That is the target.
"The rail line will haul chromite ore from the proposed Big Daddy open pit mine located in the “Ring of Fire” to a processing and distribution plant in Southern Ontario."

With these U.S. giants making grand plans on Big Daddy and KWG (a junior with no revenue and CLIFFs as a major shareholder), you state that you don't see any proof that CLIFFs has any control over KWG. I see the exact opposite though my eyes.

In my opinion, the evidence on this Saturday night seems to indicate that :
1) KWG has very limited or no control over it's destiny,
2) CLIFFs want's Big Daddy,
3) CLIFFs historic Client Krech Ojard is working with Canada Chrome to build a railroad to Big Daddy.
4) SPQ is a dangerous loose end and has a take-over target painted all over it.

Two + Two = Four


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