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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: AGM

AGM in 20 days, Clifs has a copy of the info for the n43-101, KWG has a copy also.

Clifs has the expertise at its disposal to be able to make an educated guess at this point whether SPQ has value they want. It matters not whether they are bying 400mm shares or 40mm shares. the value is still the same (unless they chose to wait for the stock to drop after the rs which in itself is a gamble (cheaper for them is cheaper for another major) They would probably do a share swap anyway. That turned out OK for FWR'ers who held.

The point i am trying to make is If clifs wants SPQ we will get for-warning with a spike in volume Greater then 10mm and for a few days...as long as all is quiet then the take over is not imminant.

NN referred to a HOSTILE takeover..I think anyone thinking of a hostile takeover would have been and be accumulating long before the announcement.

Looking fwd to a very exciting prelude to this AGM

Hold on to your seats the stars are linning up!


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