Anybody have any idea what Michael Gravelle MPP is doing in the short and middle term with regards to Ontario Government promises re: the ROF?
The share prices of ROF explorcos (including Spider Resources) are going to languish unless there is some positive news, and specifically positive news with regards to government movement forward in discussions with ROF explorcos and the First Nations peoples.
Can one of our fine folks up in Thunderbay give a look into what Mr. Gravelle is doing? Perhaps Donypee, Rallard, Kelsee? It would be appreciated.
If nothing is scheduled, I suggest an email campaign to Mr. Gravelle and to senior government officials. I know some of you will have some thoughts on the matter, but think positively with regards to what we - the investor - (have and) can do in this regard.
We don't want to find ourselves going into the fall time without discussions either taking place or about to take place. Placard waving FN folks in the north just wouldn't be a good thing prior to the wintertime drilling season.