Hay Dude I agree are we all evey one of us here simply to make a few dollars and pass the cream on to the big boys. That is exacly why they are big and we stay small. We sell for pennies and they sell the product for billions and billions and more billions. KWG AND SPQ HAVE the verybest deposit in the world and has shareholders we will never again have the oportunity to make good coin like this again.To those thinking of being Santa to cliffs think hard and long about it they want it all for nothing and for us to say thank you for the gift Cliffs. We have two BODS WORKING HARD TO KEEP THIS FOR US OR AT LEAST GET US A GOOD PRICE. Lets give them allour suport as united we stand divided we fall.In closing just compare what CLF will make and whaturcottt you will make. Thank you. Turcotte