I don't like getting my face slapped. Do You? This offer from Cliffs is about as low as a "big" company can get. In fact, in my opinion they are so low they, the whole decision making body of the company, could crawl under a snakes belly with high hats on, and the hats would stay solidly in place.
DON'T, PLEASE DON'T cave in to them.
When I review the last KWG offer and realise the tremendous leap KWG made i.e., the paragraph in bold below, I know we have something here we can't let go to Cliffs for peanuts.
"Under the terms of the New KWG Offer, the Combination Agreement will be amended not only to increase the exchange ratio (from 1:1.21) to 1:1.30 but KWG will also retain the 50% interest in the 2% net smelter returns royalty that it currently owns in respect of the Big Daddy, Black Thor and Black Label deposits (the "NSR") as well as its railway assets. These assets were to have been "spun out" prior to the Amalgamation, however, under the New KWG Offer they will remain as assets of the combined company allowing Spider shareholders to share in these assets. All other terms and conditions of the Combination Agreement will remain unamended. "
Cliffs offer came so fast on the heals of the SPQ/KWG offer we know they are dead man serious about sewing up the ROF and being 'King of the Ring'.
Don't let them. Don't let them. Don't let them.
If we cave, who will be next?
I'm hook, line and sinker for the SPQ/KWG merger.