"Another interesting side effect of this battle is that CLF's 19.6% of KWG is about to get reduced to 8.5% due to the amalgamation."
It is not only "interesting", it's crucial. The difference between 19 cents and a share price much larger (put in your own value). Ergo, the "marriage" of SPQ and KWG will be a marriage in heaven. This is the goal. Merger. Amalgamation. Whatever you want to call it. In whatever language.
Perhaps Boor (Cliffs) and Dweck (Mineralfields) have 25% of voting shares. They need 50.1%. How many 10's of millions of shares does that extra 25% represent?
Hang tough folks. Our fight means many more $$$ in our pocket. Plain and simple.
As the old FRAM oil filter ad stated: "Pay me now, or pay me later!" But I want to be paid. Once again - plain and simple.