I echo all that you said. Spider was my first investment in the ROF back when the ywere alone searching for diamonds. There had better be more on the table than $0.19 because the huge number of share outstanding for this stock were because of a"HUGE" number of retail investors that saw something with potential, maybe the once in a lifetime investment. They put hard earned dollars into this so that there was money to drill, money to explore, money to promote Spider to the rest of the world.
Obviously I am one small time investor compared to the hedge funds and investment houses that take up millions of shares at a time to both influence the market for these penny stocks but also to make a few censt for their investors. They do not put their faith and bcaking behind the stock in the way retail investors, especially those participating on boards such as Agoracom. We share information, theories, facts, interpretations and hopes.
If $0.19 comes out as the last offer and the BOD accepted it, I will certainly takes my small profits (relative to the end results from these holdings) and move my money out of the ROF and away from any company the Spider BOD members are associated with.
Still Wishing.