For what it is worth, everyone here keeps forgetting that only a very small percentage of investors read the bulletin boards. And I would guess that only a few of those who do actually follow the helter-skelter advice found on them.
Most investors get their information from the mailings and phone calls from companies. Here, Cliff played their hand very well, and Spider/KWG were extremely sloppy (negligent?) in producing PR.
Actually, I just tendered my shares. Cliff will get them eventually, and I am not going to take a hit on all my shares for 1/2 a cent.
My plans are to reinvest into the ROF, but I am going to wait until the share prices settle down. There is too much Spider money flowing into other companies right now, and the prices are higher because of that. I have time, because the greedy bastards at Cliff aren't going to jump on anybody else until the same thing happens - share price stabilization.
Good luck to all of you, look forward to information sharing down the road.