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First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: 82%

NOTforlong, you wrote:

"So I will move on and try to find another company to place my investment on..............."

Just in case you are looking for somewhere to put your money with a chrome angle and IMHO good near term potential, you may want look at getting some more NOT and/or some PRB. I see that you already own NOT. I think that PRB will be a real good chrome play as well in near term.

I wont bore you guys with a long post on this as its your site. But in case anyone is interested they can check the post I did at NOT site with my analysis. I also posted my rationale on PRB site a couple times, one had a link to map of area.


My big concern is that CLF will take Black Creek out for peanuts similar to FWR and SPQ before true value is established.

Good luck to all.


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