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The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: Re: I hope you can read this. It is a critical component
You are correct Jerry, thing is conservatives have lost their way. They listened to the left and became big spending, big government. I just watched an hour and a half speach by Rush Limbaugh, as much as he is a blowhard, he made a lot of good points. America needs to go back to it's roots to find their way. Nose to the grindstone is how to get out of this mess, not large spending stimus packages. Reagan had it right in the early eighties, you want to spur on a very bad economy, introduce large tax cuts, put more money in a persons jeans at the end of the day. With more money to spend people will go out and buy. This is the right way to stimulate an economy. Also, taxing the rich more is not the way to go. What is the motivation to better yourself, building your business, creating jobs? There isn't any and that way of thinking does not create jobs and will drive the rich to move their money off shore and set up companies in other countries. Tax cuts cost the government on the revenue side, but by doing this it leads to more income taxes in the long run and an economy that will be much further ahead than the big spending, big government experiment that is currently taking place.
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