Welcome to the Starfield Resources Disucssion Forum

The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: SRU's short fall vs SRU's falling short?

SRU's short fall vs SRU's falling short?

posted on Mar 26, 2009 07:29AM

Good morning folks.

I hesitate to write this post because it would be very easy for a member of the SH-SRUBB Basher Brigade who is a "sleeper" on this forum, to take an honest post from a long time long and present it over there as, "even the pumper Jerry is finally catching on that SRU is a dying venture". Those individuals are a mean spirited, self-serving lot that should have been investigated by Starfield and the proper authorities long, long, ago because IMO their quasi lies have over the years hurt the SP. Apparantly the company never saw the necessity of taking them AND those they probablywork for to task.

Folks Starfield Resources is a highly vibal and versatile venture. Nothing has changed regarding that basic fact nor has my opinion of that changed. At this point, I just can't get it through my head that SRU has to cater to the 'signs of the times' and the 'whims of a broken machine' by suffering from a financial short fall. What is going on in the financial arena cannot cripple the innovative spirit of the talented entepreneur.

Regarding that, please let me zero in on Starfield Resources here. Are they falling short by allowing themselves to STAY 'boxed in' by the system that says that a little 'no nothing junior in Canada' will not break the current trend? I know that Starfield is not idly sitting on their duff doing nothing of significance. They are advancing the project but there is a but to that. What I am making reference to here is that IMO, they are going forward with a hunker down mentality i.e. the conserving of money while working on something they believe will be eye catching. ['the gold in dem dare hills'] IMO again, they should push what they have, not what they hope to discover. The company is a multi-talended, multi-faceted one that has the goods in the ground. Reportedly the process they have or can have control over can be a money maker regarding the sulpher and power. So ladies and gents, why don't they as entrepreneurs look to hook up with power companies or the government. They could try to make contact with T BOONE PICKENS. He is always talking about cheap power [I know about his wind mills that he is pushing] and he OR one like him might want to know more about the "ACE IN THE HOLE" Starfield has. We have a BOD and a CEO that are not flunkies. They are well known and well connected. IMO, which I am allowed to have on the forum, that is the kind or type of "out of the box" thinking they must resort to in this day and age.

Respectfully presented to the forum,

Jerry Francis

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