Welcome to the Starfield Resources Disucssion Forum

The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: More On China & The Rest Of The World. Base Metal Demand To Pick Up

Lanny, thanks for the recap on those great stories. It was personally refreshing. Even in the great depression many people that thought 'out of the box', made money both in the market and out of the market.

Regarding Starfield Resources, the more I think about it the more I get my feathers ruffled. True, we are not flies on the wall and do not have the inside scoop but why should SRU continue on with a business as usual mentality when business is anything but usual. Shouldn't they to be thinking 'out of the box'?

Many fine junior exploration and development companies are presently stagnant regrding their original exploration and development plans and programs. Some like Starfield are working but they are also 'limping along' with a 'got to conserve the cash mentality'. Does SRU have anything going for itself that other fine juniors do not have? I submit that the answer to that is, YES. I am not talking about Seymour Schulich directly here. I am talking about the potential money maker they have in the Harris process. IF, if, it is as good as the company has said it is i.e. environmentally friendly, cost efficient, can produce power that can be sold to others, then that is what they should be putting their money into. That is what they should be 'selling' to the funds and private investors like Seymour Schulich who is a visionary and an entrepreneur.

I am not sorry for saying that AGAIN and I do know that someone from the basher brigade on that other 'forum' can twist what I just wrote and put a negative spin to it but it is not about me or how poorly I may have described what I believe is an ace-in-the-hole for Starfield, it is about their thinking 'out of the box'. Again, they are the ones that boasted about the metallurgical process not me, and if they lack the spirit of the entrepreneur, then perhaps those that cannot see the potential of the process they claim is so great, should be put out to pasture. Lanny, did I say that strong enough? Was I out of order for being so vehement? I do not feel negative toward Starfield per se but I do feel that they are not looking at the situation with a fresh vision.

Best wishes,


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