Welcome to the Starfield Resources Disucssion Forum

The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: More On China & The Rest Of The World. Base Metal Demand To Pick Up

Great post Jerry! I have to say that my patience is wearing thin with management. They refuse to let the information flow, they refuse to use their website as a tool, they refuse change in how exploration companies should go forward. The "we've been doing things this way for a hundred years and this is how we will do it for the next hundred years" mentality needs to go by the wayside. The website is downright horrible, it supplies little to no information, it does not help sell the project to investors, if it does anything, it hinders potential investors because is hold so little information. This mentality really needs to change and yes, thinking outside the box is needed. They do have this process, get out there and tell people about it! Stop holding this company down with the lack of news and information.

Like I say, my patience is wearing thin, I have been a staunch supporter of this company since the year 2000 and do not want to sell but I will if I feel management's heart and mind are no longer into the project. If I do not see more shareholder value I will have no choice but to sell. I am not going to sit on this hope and a prayer for much longer, I need to make my money work for me! If management's heart is no longer into the project it is their duty to bring someone in to take over. Bring someone in that knows how to share information, promote and has new ideas. Again, I will ask, how long is Seymour Schulich willing to let his money sit in this company and not make him money? I think he will be looking at the market as a whole and will want to take advantage of the upswing that will come when the recession is nearing an end. If I see him sell one share that will signal to me that it is time to move my money.

I am sure the bashers will take this post to the other boards but over the years I have called out management for one reason or another, I will not change, if I see them doing a poor job I will say something about it.

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