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Message: Alternative Monthly Report

Hi contragalo;

Thanks for responding. You make many excellent points about Tuscany's operations going forward. I just wanted to point out that Tuscany needs to avoid operating in Argentina and Venezuela in South America. Argentina is a bad place to do business in the oil and gas arena as the Argentinian government artificially fixes the price of oil and gas drilled there at a very low rate to subsidize the price for domestic consumption. I used to hold Petrolifera and Antrim and both of them were seriously effected by a low natural gas price which was around $1.00 and the oil price was less than half of the world oil price several years ago when Tuscany was created. Walter Dawson consciously steered the company away from Argentina, Venezuela (it could get nationalized there), Mexico and Canada & the USA and decided to build the company in the greener pastures of Columbia and Brazil.

The sale of the 2 heli- rigs is a millstone hanging around Tuscany's neck and until they unload them and use the money to pay down debt, I agree with you that we are looking two or three quarters down the road to set the company's share price on an upward trend. The big unknown as you pointed out is what happens to Maurel & Prom and henceforth their shares in Tuscany if they get acquired?

Cheers; Scott

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