Message: Re: Share Price

Feb 04, 2008 02:13PM

Feb 04, 2008 02:55PM

Feb 04, 2008 03:01PM

Feb 04, 2008 03:09PM

Feb 04, 2008 04:22PM

Strange post, to me.  Are you saying that you went onto a TDC property and got a grab sample?  Or you dug some dirt up in the city?

 I live and work in Yellowknife, and have been following this site and the garbage posts on SH for a while.  It's great to see some good discussions on TDC, with people weighin in on their expectations as well as sharing information on the way ahead.

As for me, I am a pilot.  I have landed at the discovery strip last fall, and at that time there was a helicopter flying a drill rig to Goodwin lake.  Things like that are in line with my philosophy of buy what you know, what you are interested in, as you naturally gather up all sorts of tid bits of information just out of general interest.

Like today, watching trucks head out on the ice road, and wondering if any of them are TDC related....

 Living in YK has shown me a few things.  First, when I blasted out 800 tonnes of rock to excavate my foundation in the Niven Lake subdivision, I found lots of quartz seems with lots of iron phyrite (sp?) -fools gold.  But I also got a few bits here an there of VG.  So I kept these in a few 5-gal pails.  I also saved about 10 bags of the chips/dust from drilling the blast holes (only 3M deep) to excavate.  If any of you TDC enthusiasts want a sample, let me know.  Better when the snow is gone, and I can give you some dust to pan!

 The play here, when juniors do take off, is that the gold story in YK is as real as this rock is hard.  We are all so interested in this story, most of us for investment reasons, but some of us just to be a tiny part of a success story as well. 

Baires, no need to welcome me, I've been here in the shadows all along... But in a future corresponcence with Dr. Webb, why not suggest an investors day or BBQ as a fishing/fly in event at the Discovery mine site this spring?  April looks good for me!  And if so, why not have some fun event, like "panning the drill chips", even put on in the city, on Franklin Street.  I volunteer to help.

For those of you planning on accumulating...my strategy is to slowly rachet up my bid price from where it is now (.44) to keep accumulating over the next 6 months or so.  My price target in 12 months is 1.50, and in about 18 months, or after real progess on the "open ended" regulatory process, I will hold on all of my small holding until at least $2.50, then PT about 25%. Rest long..long..

But that proportion of my investment that is long term, I see TDC, after a partial buy-out or buy-in with a major, as a long term producer above $5.00.

As for US currency, the talking heads are starting more and more to talk about that 9Trillion dollar debt.....all good for gold bugs, if the US currency is to be replaced with gold again. 


Feb 04, 2008 04:56PM

Feb 04, 2008 06:13PM

Feb 04, 2008 06:23PM

Feb 06, 2008 08:59AM
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