Message: Wow it was total carnage

Wow it was total carnage

posted on Mar 02, 2009 07:07PM

Perhaps a little bit of insight from the trading world today(Monday). I think today was as bad as the October panic period last year. I placed more sell orders to cover margin calls today than in quite a long time. The concern I have is all the trades were for the minimum amount to cover the days calls and the market kept going down and the calls are going to be issued again tomorrow. Looks like a job for the masters of the PPT team. The calls are going to keep coming tomorrow unless something produces a miracle.

You have to understand the feeling on the trading floor and the client accounts, Not only is the market is falling, the margin calls coming, and checks bouncing left and right, nothing we are seeing as far solutions makes sense at all. The focus is so obviously off target, by that I mean bailing out the financial system and trying to restart lending, that they are actually making things worse.

Its amazing the government is still poring money into AIG, Citigroup, B of A, quite a few other companies that the general feeling these boys are dead, no way to revive them. Can you believe what is happening to GE WOW. Trading at 7.60

This is almost sureal, be wise, I think I am going to be increasing the velocity of my money. Something is going to pop!!!!! I don't want to be caught off guard or flat footed. I think the next phase of this mess might be coming.

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