Message: Make notes - Be careful of short term memory

Make notes - Be careful of short term memory

posted on Jul 20, 2009 11:27AM

I use stockcharts.com. I always annotate my charts with things I wish to remember or more importantly not forget. "NEVER FORGET HR699" is a note on one of my charts.

A while ago there was much discussion of the success of Romarco and how it resembles Tyhee. While it resembles Tyhee in some characteristics, it is a serious mistake to equate the two IMO (not that anyone here went that far).

Romarco is in the "mining friendly" United States. Have we forgotten HR699? Here's what David Morgan had to say about that bill. "In our view, if this bill is passed it will shut down all exploration mining in the U.S."

I wouldn't invest in a miner whose sole or major property was in the U.S. There is just too much risk.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32004574/ns/us_news-environment/ The link is to an article titled " Interior halts uranium mining at Grand Canyon ." They'll probably hold up many such projects "for a while" during which time the government will pass HR699 and then no one will have any further interest in mining in the U.S. as the government will cut themselves a large portion of the pie and bury them in red tape.


P.S. Is there no way to correct the font size once this editor copies a font you don't want to use?

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