Message: Re: New in town: TYHEE INVESTORS BLOG is produced by one of us, Gonewiththewind.

I believe that Gonewiththewind has done us a fine service with his excellent Tyhee Investors Blog. Even though Gonewiththewind criticized me for my very first heartfelt posting -- observing correctly that I was not sharing everything I know about the company -- I congratulate him and offer my sincere "merci beaucoup" for the real service he is providing.

Gonewiththewind's "objective of the blog" is exactly what I had hoped the objective of the acoracom Tyhee discussion forum would be. I have noted that there have been periodic postings about subjects which strike me as pretty far from the principal topic: Tyhee. Today, for example Gantwar asked whether we could ask for ideas about what three other stocks we would recommend in the gold/silver sector, and in all other sectors. My suggestion would be that if we are going to stay anywhere close to useful to each other we might restrict Qantwar's question to the first part about the gold/silver sector, where it is possible that our group may actually have more insight than the average group of investors. Perhaps Qantwar might change his suggestion to "which one or two gold or silver stocks do you think could perform as well as Tyhee, and why." I would certainly pay attention to answers to that question. I would have very little confidence in anyone I don't know telling me why they are going long or short corn or orange juice or Apple or Google, and like most of you I get tons of information from "experts" on virtually all investment sectors. We do have a good group here, and I would listen carefully to why any of you are putting new money into any gold or silver stock other than Tyhee, which I believe will be a rather spectacular winner.

I would also like to offer a big thank you to Skeleg for his continuing excellent postings. I feel the timeline he recently presented was an exceptionally useful piece for the group, and I believe that the principal steps which he outlines are in the right sequence and probably pretty close to the most realistic timing I have seen posted. One minor suggestion for Skeleg is that he is probably underestimating the number of shares that will be required before Tyhee begins actual production. As a couple of you have correctly noted, Dave Webb and the Board have gone through a protracted period when they were essentially close to out of money. I expect that such an experience is likely to lead them to wanting to obtain additional financing at somewhat earlier points than Skeleg and others are assuming.

I offer the point about number of shares only to help you fine tune your outstanding forecast Skeleg, and no I won't get any more specific than what I have just said. I really would like to be helpful to the group, but there just are some things I can't talk about. GWTWind already criticized me for not being more explicit, so if I am criticized again for a similar lack of explicitness then I must now, in advance, apologize, and hope you will understand that I really do have valid and important reasons that I should not go into detail about certain things related to Tyhee.

One last observation: while I have not answered the questionnaire formally, you may correctly conclude that I own more than one percent of the shares, and if I posted the exact number or even close to it, too many people would know exactly who I am, and I would lose my effectiveness in trying to help you. Baires told me that he has already added me, anonomously, to the list by posting his estimate that I own at least one percentage point of outstanding shares, and that he has estimated from my earlier posting that my average cost is 40 cents, as a way of including my holdings in the survey. I am comfortable with his approach.

I agree with many of you that 2010and 2011 are likely to be very, very good years for Tyhee shareholders. I do not intend to sell a single share this year, even though I expect there to be inevitable periodic dips in the stock on its upward march, and I believe strongly that I will be adding to my position as the year goes on -- even at higher prices than the 27 cents at which it has closed each of the last three days. I suspect that the biggest mistake some of you will make this year and next will be to sell too soon. This is not a stock you should be holding for a double. Like all of you I will monitor the progress of the company, the price action of gold, and the trend of the U.S. and Canadian dollars, but I fully expect to not even think about selling any of my shares until I am looking at at least a ten-bagger, and possibly not even then.

Finally a note of thanks to Baires, who has continued to provide guidance and structure to what at times has seems like a herd of cats. To Mr. Baires, Mr. Gonewiththewind, and to Mr. Skeleg, I tip my hat in admiration for the outstanding work you have all done.


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