Message: It's obvious who calmlyrational is...

Well, that was a nice letter from Calm. And thanks for the openness and complements. I don' t think anybody should be criticising you for the balance you need to strike.

But it's obvious to me you are Tim Gheitner. (not an insult, Tim) -- Because the actions of the Fed and the Treasury are working out in Tyhee's favour, and you can't be thanked enough.... Or maybe you are Santa Clause, who has to keep his identity secret lest they start looking for gold closer to his home further north of YK. Or maybe he is someone we may see in a filing somewhere....

OK, Seriously. I look forward to meeting you in person, when some of us fly up to Yellowknife to watch the first (or maybe 100th?) dore come out of the production line at our gold mine, in 2013/2014. I personally intend to be there, even if I have to pay for the flight to YK. I predict that getting to the site, from YK, will be much easier.... Maybe by even by road. Or, if in winter, a tour bus up the ice road, with a safety escort?

What's obvious to me about Calm and many many other here, is that we share lots of warranted optimism on this investment and we feel that we are actually a part of the Tyhee success story. More than just trying ot make a buck in day trades, we are doing whatever we can as active investors to help Tyhee achieve it's vision. I've volunteered to pour water on the ice road, or push a stalled 60 tonne mine truck, it it'll help Dave Webb get this mine into production - alas, he does not need that form of help.

Helping people get to know the details of where Tyhee is, and what's coming in the future, is the one area where we actually can help. Spread the word, and let due dilligence and truth reveal the true value of this company.

Baires has fostered an excellent exchang here, and the turning on each other seems to have come to an end.

Good times ahead.


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