Loss of control or sign of opportunity?
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Mar 20, 2010 12:34PM
The inscrutable announcement by Ming Fung makes me worried and excited. It seems to be a loose cannon, out of control on the one hand. In making such a news release without coordinating with Tyhee, they demonstrated in my view their true colors. This means that whatever would play out in a deal with them would be in their interests, not in the best interests of Tyhee and Tyhee shareholders. Second, it also raises the spectre of opportunism. Tyhee has been the victim of this in several PP's. However, opportunism is also what drives the markets. So this may be the first of many expressions of interest in what Tyhee has, and the nearness of the key milestones of PFS and DAR.
I sure hope that DW does not make a deal with these guys. Don't mary the first girl who shows a little flesh.... Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into!
Maybe it's time for Tyhee to lawyer up on this, and issue a news release as an antidote to the confusion and concern that this event has caused in Tyhee investor's minds.
I hope that that shareholders right's plan is also an immunization.
I don't like the looks of this, but I am excited that it may provoke some exciting exposure and competition between players with an eye on the Yellowknife Gold Camp.