Message: Tyhee's Management Discussion & Analysis -- Interim Financial Statements

This is excellent news.

Tyhee had cut back on spending in the last year, reducing stock based conpensation significantly while still increasing Investor Relations by a considerable amount. That was what we investors had been clamouring for (the IR). This increase was in shows & conventions and news release costs. I'm not sure why the news release costs went up so much, as I don't think that there's been any large increase in the number of news releases. It could be that legal fees associated with news releases are part of this?

Over $5 million in cash with $1.4 in accounts payable as of Feb 28, 2010 is excellent, as it is sufficient to keep exploration going at a good pace. It's unclear to me how much of that cash is from flow-through shares and how much is available for general corporate expenses, as that appears to be an area Tyhee may need more cash.

From the MD&A discussion alto at that link, a few points stand out:

- Pre Feas before end of June is stated. That is completion of the study, not release date. We've heard sooner dates as well, but I'm not expecting to see it too soon. I think it may not actually be released until July or August, as it would certainly need to be vetted carefully to be as perfect and correct as possible. I HOPE to see it in June.

- BIG NEWS! PDR will be submitted before the end of june. Submitted. That's a huge milestone. I wonder when it will be available in the public domain?? Then it says "that will be followed by a Technical REview by theMVEIRB of the report to determine if development should proceed". _that would be the confirmation by MVEIRB that the DAR covers what it was supposed to in the Work Plan, I think. MAJOR MILESTONE and one I thought would be later in the fall. That would be a case of tyhee UNDERPROMISING and OVERDELIVERING.

- General Economic Conditions: Coments on majors acquring juniors. Why is this comment there? Has there been much sniffing about in Tyhee's treasure box?

- Ongoing and Future Developments: Regarding the PFS: one comment I liked was that "All major equipment will need at least two bids from equipment manufacturers" - I like the sound of talking about those nice Volvo trucks and other equipment, when the rubber hits the road, and we are building a mine, then we will really have made it! Nice to see comments on the reduced power costs through discussing a deal with the NWT Power / local utility....

All in all the financial condition of tyhee is solid, and the PFS and DAR truly are major milestones. That the month JUNE is highlighted for both the PFS completion and the DAR submission makes me believe that in MAY there will be a ramping up corporate activities. News releases, one would think, should become more frequent going into June. Drill results, DAR and PFS coming this summer would be accompanied by more eyes on Tyhee.

Eye on the prize!

Well done, Tyhee, keep up the good work!

I berlieve that Tyhee is a billion dollar enterprise still currently valued for 1/20th of it's worth. I wonder what the NPV will be in the PFS, if there will be a $1500 POG calculation. Isn't it about time that it's true potential becomes recognized, and stops being punnished for having to go through a lenghty EA process, stops being punnished for having the gaul to want to go it alone to build a mine?


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