Message: Re: Greg Taylor answers question about privatization of TDC

In his discussion of the strategy for TDC reported earlier, Greg Taylor mentions as one of the key issues...

...the complexities of the Yellowknife project (again, something that is exaggerated sharply in our current ultra-risk-averse equity markets)...

I am assuming that the problem of "complexity" he is referring to and that the market has had difficulty with, is the multiple sites explored in the recent past, which created a perception that drilling and exploring at numerous unconnected locations would continue ad infinitum and that mine development would be pushed further and further into the future, burning cash without clear benefit at a time when cash is scarce.

The record of mine development in the past at Yellowknife has been straightforward, not complex. The Discovery mine in particular got richer as it went deeper, and was only abandoned because the mill burned and the price of gold made it non-economic.

It is very good to know that the focus is now clearly on mine development, with people in charge who have the right experience and background to develop the mine. All the signals from Tyhee over the past month have been excellent, I am very impressed. Ike

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