Message: Re: Gold Price Manipulation Is A Criminal Conspiracy (somewhat off-topic)

What my long way around post was about...

The 1st time I saw a counter-intuitive market reaction in the metals market combined with flimsy backward arguments in the press I was convinved the markets were not legitimate.

This was many years ago. During the intervening time from then to now I have seen nothing to disabuse me of my original notion. The internet "news", apart from the obvious paid shills, has been correct for several years. Now it is finally becoming mainstream.

But still TPTB (the powers that be), that run the licensed financial planners, have most of the populace terrified of the metals that used to circulate freely as money. They will continue their attack on them (both the metals and the people) as long as it remains profitable for them to do so.

Sure the stock markets may go up further as that is the only way the sheople know to partially protect themselves from the continuing, on-going debasement of the currencies. Bonds are the biggest bubble in the history of mankind. Soon the governments won't even be able to pay the paltry interest they pay on bonds; the principal stands no chance whatever being repaid.

People are being deliberately separated from the one financial investment that might lessen their pain in the insanity that is soon to come. Yet the masses, particularly those on the government dole, continue to believe in, hope in, and put their trust in those who are most determined to skin them alive.


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