Message: Quotes from Egon von Greyerz

These are the accurate unmassaged numbers.

The $220T (below) comes from GAAP accounting as opposed to "cost basis" accounting. That takes into account future responsibilities.

The "unemployment numbers" are as unemployment used to be calculated in years past. They are similar to or possibly from the works of John Williams.

GDP is always cited as higher than it should be because the true inflation is hidden by gimmicks in that branch of accounting. Real inflation, if used in the GDP calculation would produce a negative result showing the contraction in the economy that we all feel.

Unless the government pulls the plug on QE (which will end the present financial system) the QE will continue to increase exponentially as stated below.

The US is a country with a total government debt of $220 trillion, unemployment at 23%, the job participation rate at the lowest level since the 1970s, median household incomes at multi-decade lows, and real-GDP declining since 2006. We have also seen federal debt double since 2006, and consumer credit has been exploding. So the picture is clear…

“Not only will there be no tapering, but my forecast is that during 2014 QE will increase substantially. In fact, we could easily see QE double in 2014, and later on I expect trillions of dollars, and eventually even tens of trillions of dollars of money printing each year. This will also mean increased turmoil and chaos in global markets.


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