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Message: Unveiling the Future: XR Immersive Technologies' Soaring Journey


In the vibrant realm of Social Entertainment, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR), Victory Square Technologies proudly presents a corporate update on one of its stellar portfolio companies, XR Immersive Tech Inc. In an industry brimming with innovation, XR Immersive stands out as a beacon of cutting-edge technology and transformative experiences.

Background and Context

In the heart of Vancouver, Victory Square Technologies nurtures a portfolio that grants investors access to a world of groundbreaking entrepreneurs and innovations. XR Immersive Tech Inc., a jewel in this crown, has carved its niche as an industry leader in Social Entertainment, AI, VR, and AR content and experiences. Guided by A Shabeer Sinnalebbe, the CEO of XR Immersive, the company has not only weathered challenges but emerged as a testament to resilience, customer commitment, and technological forefront.

Key Highlights and Advantages

1. Synthesis VR: A Gateway to Immersive Entertainment

XR Immersive's primary focus on the Synthesis VR ("SVR") business is a strategic move. Synthesis VR stands as one of the largest VR out-of-home entertainment marketplaces globally, boasting over 450 VR arcades. This platform encompasses a market with 400+ VR games, making it a powerhouse for immersive experiences.

2. Versatility and Unique Features

Synthesis VR's software engine supports Free Roam, Room-Scale, and Android-based tetherless Virtual Reality entertainment. The platform's Gold Standard for VR arcade operators sets it apart, offering over 400 games and various experiences through its extensive store catalog. It manages bookings, payment processing, game licensing, and more, making it a comprehensive solution for entertainment centers worldwide.

3. Diversification and Educational Initiatives

Beyond the entertainment market, SVR extends its reach to provide educational content and services. This diversification aligns with the company's commitment to offering versatile experiences. Additionally, XR Immersive contributes to the Enterprise sector by providing Education, Training, and R&D services.

Potential Impact and Significance

As the VR location-based entertainment industry undergoes rapid evolution, XR Immersive positions itself as a driving force. The company's commitment to innovation, combined with its extensive VR arcade network, contributes to shaping the industry's future. The advent of powerful VR hardware, including Meta Quest 3 and advanced HTC and PICO models, signifies the industry's alignment with its full potential.

Expert Opinions and Analysis

According to A Shabeer Sinnalebbe, "Apple entering the VR industry with the Apple Vision Pro is a great example of this, how a company of Apple’s stature entering the LBVR industry will be a catalyst for innovation, improved user experience and increased adoption which in turn will benefit everyone in the industry." Sinnalebbe's insights underscore the collaborative and transformative nature of the VR landscape.

Challenges and Considerations

Acknowledging the dynamic changes within the VR entertainment sector, XR Immersive proactively navigates challenges such as global repercussions of COVID-19, regional conflicts, inflation, and component shortages. The company's commitment to staying at the forefront of development ensures it remains resilient amid evolving landscapes.

Key Achievements

1. Game Development Excellence

Following the success of Propagation: Top Squad, SynthesisVR partnered with WANADEV STUDIO to launch PROPAGATION: TOP SURVIVORS. This partnership showcases XR Immersive's commitment to pushing the boundaries of game development and delivering top-tier experiences to users.

2. Local Manager App Innovation

The LOCAL MANAGER app simplifies arcade operations, offering a user-friendly interface that addresses unmet needs within the VR arcade landscape. This application serves as a practical solution, reflecting XR Immersive's commitment to reshaping industry norms.

3. Agnostic Platform and Ongoing Innovation

In response to industry dynamics and the widespread adoption of Android standalone headsets, SynthesisVR has taken a proactive role in navigating transformation. The platform's agnostic approach ensures it aligns with evolving needs, supporting an array of headsets and experiences.

What to Look Forward in 2024

The year 2024 holds exciting prospects for XR Immersive Technologies:

  • Continuous innovation supporting headsets across various operating systems (MR, AR, and VR).
  • Building VR MDM (Mobile-Device-Management) services for Corporate/Enterprise customers.
  • Investment in developing proprietary content following the success of Propagation: Top Survivors.
  • Establishment of SVR as a Publisher.
  • Introduction of an RSVP system for VR arcade players to create AI Avatars.
  • Building out VR Education, Training, and R&D Library for diverse industry applications.
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for enhanced XR experiences and world generation.

XR Immersive invites investors and the broader business community to join their Investor Webinar on Thursday, January 18th, 2023, providing deeper insights into the company's achievements, 2024 outlook, and an opportunity for Q&A.


In conclusion, XR Immersive Technologies stands at the forefront of innovation, bridging the realms of entertainment, education, and enterprise. Victory Square Technologies' strategic investment has positioned XR Immersive as a key player in the ever-evolving landscape of AI, VR, and AR. As we venture into 2024, XR Immersive's commitment to excellence, coupled with its diverse portfolio of offerings, heralds a future where immersive experiences transcend boundaries, offering new possibilities for users and investors alike.

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