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Message: 39 billion barrels of oil opportunities (from Genevabird)

39 billion barrels of oil opportunities (from Genevabird)

posted on Dec 07, 2007 06:51AM

Genevabird sent this to me last night (I just noticed it this morning - I have the day off - darn it would have been good to be trading while I had the day off!). Anyway, he asked me to post it here. ====================================...

Here we are,Foley will be returning anytime between friday to Sunday of this week.Get ready Agent 999 you have to help Foley unload his bag of goodies and amaze the investment world with your rabbit tricks as you pull them one by one spiced and peppered with melodrama,suspense ..whatever your ingenuity and creativity is capable of.Remember dont get too carried away otherwise too much of the good thing csn be torpedoed and you will be transformed and hated as Agent 666.

Since Santa Foley is coming back from Libya and this is also his last trip for year 2007 as forcasted more than 2 months ago...our socks will most likely be loaded to the brim with goodies from Libya especially.

Let''s talk about Libya the fabled oil jewel of the world touted by Newsweek as "An untapped Oil Oasis" is said to contain 39 billion barrels of "the cleanest oil left on the planet"Unlike other crude deposits which are dirty and heavy,Libyan oil is noted for being sweet and low on sulphur and thus is responsible for its extraordinary cheap production as low as 1 $ per barrel in production cost at some fields. I think this 1 $ data is a little outdated with the fall of US $ and rise in inflation.I will say low ball point at current rate should be between 3 to 5 dollars per barrel You can see that with oil hovering around the 100 $ nark the profit margin is enormous.

Tons of skepticism surround the ambition of Foley as he brings wwf into the forefront of investor interest through his multiple mind boggling deals. Soon wwf will no longer be hidden in the closet and it will garner the same attention and credibility like its counterpart Venerex a canadian oil and gas junior that amazed the world 2 years ago when it beat the big boys to securing exploration rights in north west Libya.

There were a total of 120 companies in the first round of bid in 2005 and VNX was one amongst 12 companies that were successful in securing for itself the exploration to one of Libya''s most prized properties the Ghadames Basin in Northwest Libya.VNX was then less than a year old when it won the bid and beat big boys like BP,Royal Dutch/Shell,Chevron Texas,Conocco Phillips and Exxon Mobil.Think about it, if VNX less than a year oil can do it why cant Foley who has already established a presence in Libya for 2 or more years ago when sanctions were lifted.VNX went from 4 $ to over 17 $ on striking oil in Ghadames Basin.

I dont know how many types of deals and bidding that foley is engaged in Libya but whatever he does it is bound to be successful because of his well-established connections and multiple business talent.

Who knows, he may have already locked in extremely lucrative EOR or Enhanced Oil Recovery projects in Libya or Tunisia.Acquiring and exploiting mature oil fields provide tremendous profitable EOR opportunities...a virtually risk free investment with minimal capital cost and almost instant cash flow. WWf through the Calgary Engineering Firm ,that wwf is rumoured to have bought ,owns the exclusive EOR technology that is capable of extending the life of depleting oilfields.

In my last paragraph I would like to thank Ian ,Rocky,Gumby chips etc and many posters for all the hard work put in to share whatever information they have to help enlighten all investors.May we all wait patiently and may we all enjoy this exeptionally powerful ride that is awaiting for us.

end of message

Dec 08, 2007 04:30PM

Dec 09, 2007 03:58AM

Dec 09, 2007 05:27AM
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