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posted on Dec 16, 2007 09:02AM

Option I must give you credit. More wild theories more of the same BS and still you mange 3 thumbs up. Boy you really do have some people snowed (pardon the pun for those of us in the east). In fact I re read most of your last posts. You probably have more thumbs up than even Ian or Gumby not that I think they care about that. Thats quite an accomplishment though. Now getting back to this latest post. As much as you try and disguise what you are saying, "WWF may as I don't know and I am not making any type of accusations as everyone is innocent until proven guilty, be part of an investors pyramid scheme...

You are basically accusing WWF and Foley of fraud just as you did on SH. You make a case that Badshaw creating a "pump and dump". You say that using obscure companies like Ax, and SK, and Barclays that it would be diffcult to track down. "...and when WWF announced $8billion from Barclays, now I hear that it is another entity, not even the same bank ( did you hear this from one of your other reliable sources?) they new the PUMP was gathering momentum."

Well Option lets face it if any of this were in fact true Foley and WWF would be very much involved and privy to exactly what was happening.

You have changed your tune countless times. You have been called a schizophrenic and a  Dr Jyekyll. But you are neither. I believe you are smart and are fairly close to the situation, close enough to have a few interesting tidbits from time to time. But bottom line you are playing games unfortunately some are buying them. However Option I think most are realizing you for what you are.

If anyone thinks that I maybe overreacting or wrong I urge you to go back and carefully read Options posts here and at SH and then decide.

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