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Message: Mr. Baines' reply to my communique

Mr. Baines' reply to my communique

posted on Jan 13, 2008 12:17PM

mr baines reply was swift and to the point

itreads ''i have never in my life received so many ridiculous and ill-informed e-mails.'''

thats it

no defense of my queries nor comment on content except above.i am disappointed with his work

he has nothing in our nest and walked away. either e s unwilling or unable to repond in a manner that would promote any avenue of discussion whatsoever, should we be correct.

in his response to the rock he challenges to be specific yet my input is given a generic response...David, this is unlike you.

mystifying..i thought journalists sought truth. we are willing to accept his if it is so . the exchange lets us trade but says bullshit under their breath in hearing distance of the watchdog at the sun

strange events indeed...like a sideshow

i shall reword a second attempt...or perhaps the editor in cheif would entertain a short rebuttal from myself on behalf of all of us

your input as to his reasons or reasoning is most welcome



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