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Message: What are the issues?

What are the issues?

posted on Feb 18, 2009 08:23AM

Madison's comments were well taken. Surprisingly, MF has a history of being able to sell the pvt placements. Some people just have the knack of being able to sell refridgerators to Eskimos (or whatever the pc term is today).

My concern is that even if MF comes out with a zillion news releases, who is going to care or believe him? His (WWF's) ineptitude during the last couple of years at least has shown that WWF has neither the ability nor the capability to follow though on anything (vis a vis filing timely reports and keeping the stock trading). And that is the real tragedy.

I posted before that something is missing. Why would a government sign a contract with a company that is essentially delisted, halted, moved from exchange to exchange? There is something missing in this whole saga. And no one has been able to shed any light or even comment on this missing factor.

MF might very well be able to put the deals together, and I, as a shareholder certainly hope that he does. But he will have to demonstrate to the buying public that his ineptitude of the past is over with.

How can he do this? Strong management team - that will help. Strong Board of Directors - that will help. Perhaps MF should become the Chairman and bring in a President and COO to give the aire of stability. But of paramount importance is what MF says and does to keep the markets happy.

I would really like us all to have some strong success with this stock. But it's up to MF to calm the masses even before the news releases come out.

And I remain,


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