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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: I Don't Understand (still)

I Don't Understand (still)

posted on Apr 23, 2009 01:13PM

I don't understand why everyone is getting upset with the Regulators. Because WWF has been so negligent with compliance with Exchange rules, the Regulators are going to take a hard look at the submissions. And they are going to do it on their timetable. Period.

There is no reason for any one to get their stuff in a knot. WWF hasn't traded in such a long time, another week or two isn't going to make a difference in our lives (I hope). So everyone should just relax.

IMHO, there has been so much useless non-WWF info posted on this board, it is absurd. Name calling - c'mon now. The only people that should receive ongoing criticism are MF and management. They are the ones - the only ones - who have created this chaos, and who deserve the 'wrath' of the shareholders.

I do want this stock to succeed and a key component of this success will be the ability of management to convince us that they will keep in compliance. And they have a whole lot of convincing to do.

In the interim, let's keep the name calling and stuff off this board. It's really quite, uhhh, stupid (?)!

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