Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Spidey-Sense and no insider trades ?

Helo4, no doubt that the fundamentals, as we currently understand them, are solid.My concerns are not with the fundamentals, rather how management has been subpar in keeping shareholders informed and in-the-loop the past few months.

I know it has been said that AE has said (been relying on a lot of those in 2014) does not care about retail, would like increased institutional, and does not care about the share price. OK, well despite best efforts on the nearly year long road shows, insitution has not gone up (maybe slightly) and with the last update of instituional increase it is unclear if that includes Cliffs shares reallocated.

AE has said in an interview that he believes the stock is currently undervalued, well delays, silence, "errors" and last minute reporting of delays will not help undervaluation one bit. The theory has been floated that AE doesnt mind to see stock price drift south in order to get out retail and get institutions in...well guess what, the price has definitely drift sout...but i dont see the institutions.

It is hard to support a stock price when all we have gotten over the last few months is a couple of selfies from AE in a TESLA and a video from Dr. Conley (which though nice to see, essentially confirmed what we already knew for the better part of a year).

No doubt all of the above will be forgotten about if AE delivers in the next couple of months, however, that is why i said that this swing for the fences better connect.

Also, I would strongly advise relying heavily on the he said-she said-that he said stuff you see posted online. We have seen this numerous time throughout the past year, but unless you hear it from the horses mouth yourself, please do not take such things at face value.

Not to discredit anyone here, but unless it is something i can easily verify with research of my own or can be corroborated by contacting the company myself, I do not weigh it much into my investment decisions. I witnessed a lot of "sheep" get led to the slaughter via rumors and hear-say last summer and again into the 43-101, I do not want to see it happen again.

Cheers and a good weekend to all!

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