Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: A dose of reality / the PEA....

Some people may not like this, but it needs to be said.

Up-front disclaimer, long on ZEN…as hard as it may be to believe when reading the following:

Rumor of an $80 buyout???


-Rumors are worthless (they are even more worthless when made by anonymous posters on a message board), any knowledgeable investor who reads that nonsense would realize that immediately, so why try?

-An $80 share price would put us at a $5BILLION market cap….which is 42% of our proven In-situ value…which is beyond ridiculous.

Predictions of buyout/bidding wars

-From all we have seen to date, is the Albany project an incredible deposit? Absolutely

-Does it have the potential to be a highly profitable mine? Absolutely

-Does that mean there will be multiple mining companies beating each other up to purchase the Albany project? Absolutely not

-Look at the economy, regardless of the deposits potential, with the economy in the toilet financing is much tougher to come by and mining companies are drastically tightening the belt. No company is going to break the bank to buy ZEN unless absolutely necessary.

- Sorry, but be prepared for ZEN to have to take the next steps in developing Albany…financing, PFS, BFS, EA

-If a buyer steps up to the table, excellent. Evaluate the offer at such time, until then, a buyout is not close to as sure of a deal as many of you would like to believe (or lead others to believe….)

$30,000 Per Tonne for ZEN in the PEA

-Based on an individual commercial product for sale, it can be applied to a tonne of graphite, which can then be applied to 1.4million tonnes of graphite…over a 25 year period? Alrighty then...

-The PEA will have to take into account many selling prices for ZEN graphite, yet it will have to be proven ability to sell at those prices…and reasonably be proven to be able to sell at those prices over the life of the mine.

-$30,000 a tonne in the PEA is an absolute pipe dream, and thats all i will say about that.

-Stick to what we have with the $8,500 and be more than happy



In this time of news freeze from the company there hasn’t been much to talk about, but I’d rather see no talk than many misleading fantasies, purposeful or not.

Now, what is my prediction in all of this….I do not see how the PEA will be a disappointment unless something has gone terribly off track behind the scenes at ZEN.We have been given no indications of such (though the opposite end of that is we haven’t been given any indications of the opposite).

With the following key items in mind (among many others to consider):

-$8,500 selling price

-Optimized floatation of 90-95% (up from 80-90%)

-Optimized caustic bake cycle

-Optimized flake size distribution after processing

-Optimized whittle model from what we have seen in the 43-101

A conservative IRR of 85-95%...if you’re not happy with that, take a look at the PEA’s from other graphite companies, hell take a look at some of the PEA’s labelled robust released recently, then come back and take a look at an 85-95% and you will begin to appreciate it.

What will the PEA give share holders?

Again, this is only my opinion, but I don’t see it being a buyout, rather it should jolt the stock price.

Chief and his crew have moved on to pumping another company's tires (no ill will towards that company), so hopefully we don’t have any unrealistic expectations leading to a sell-off on the PEA.

-I expect the stock price to climb as we approach the PEA. Climb drastically, no.But something around upwards of around $2.50 does not seem unreasonable. Somewhere in the viscinity of where we were sitting before Cliff's pulled the plug.

-I believe there are a lot of eyes (big eyes) on this project, but many are waiting for the PEA to buy, especially if the SP stagnates into the PEA.Why risk a bad PEA, instead they’ll eye it like a hawk immediately after release and jump in if so pleased.

-A positive PEA should take the company into the levels we previously saw $3.50-$4.At which point I would expect the company to do a financing for the PFS, BFS.

Will we get there before a buy-out? Who knows, but until a company steps up to buy ZEN, we are still a junior miner, and Aubrey will be advancing the project in due course.


I strongly believe in what ZEN has, both in the ground and at the management table and beleive we will be rewarded for our patience, but lets keep our expectations of those rewards in place.

Best of luck everyone

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