Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Aubrey deserves our praise
Jan 29, 2015 12:04AM

a couple of observations:
"If you are right, sit tight" ZEN is right and sitting tight is the right thing to do!"
- I cant see how this can still be applied to this situation. The sentiment around many shareholders of ZEN was to hang tight and dont let your shares go for cheap.... well those ppl have now held out of multiple opportunities to trade out/cost down. Many who have followed this "hold tight" strategy have likely passed up gains they could have locked in and now likely have a death grip on the shares they now hold at a loss.

"ZEN is right"
- Since i still hold a chunk, I sure hope so... key word being hope. Thats all we have to go on now. All we have got from the company in over a year has been a few lines of technical data spaced months apart and with different proceessing methods...which we also are in the dark on.

" The man owns 10% of the company, anyone here thinks that his goal is to get it right and maximize shareholder value? "
- So what? Aubrey still gets paid handsomely to CEO this company even if ZEN SP nosedives into oblivion. He has been paid handsomely for his involvement in ZEN and past mining company endeavours. He is not relying on his ZEN shares to put food on the table. Say he runs ZEN into the ground, he has a consulting company to fall-back on..AE does not need ZEN shares to $20, ZEN shares are icing on a big-ass cake for AE. His share stake is in no way reflective of the fundamentals of ZEN, and the issues with ZEN have seemingly been fundamental (processing/purity/costs,etc).
- In addition, there may be a clause prohibitting AE (CEO) from dumping shares.

" We do know that the delay is on their side but why? Well, we got a glimpse of it in the last news release..."
- That is fine and all...now where is the corresponding data with those numbers? What was purity? What flake sizes did we achieve? What the hell is involved in the "viable" process that has been developed? I'm tired of connecting the dots for AE, it is time for him to tell us.

"The other thing ZEN is telling us is they have achieved significant savings by thinking outside the box and coming up with an innovative process"
- What happened to the cheap, simple process? Now we are happy they have had to reinvent the wheel and spend a year to get costs down?

" If ZEN can shave $500 from the total cost say from $2000 to $1500, how does that affect the NPV?"
- Good for them, they can shave costs for 20 years optimizing if they want. If they have a viable flowsheet, punch it in to the RPA document and spit out the PEA. After all, we have been told RPA has been waiting for 6 months for this data right?
- There will be time (years) after the PEA to futher optimize. Optimize through to PFS-BFS.

" They are telling us again that they are doing way more for the PEA. This takes time!"
- They are telling us by not telling us? THere is so much information that is withheld in the latest NR that I do not know what to read into it. PEA is almost done...that means squat, i've heard that since June.

"Why are they spending all this time and money doing the PEA at this level? Think about that one."
- Who knows..."buy-out"-"end game"???? sure, maybe.... but that is just connecting imaginary dots. The company has been limping by for a year on imaginary dots that shareholders like to connect.

nevermind wake me up @ $20...wake me up when AE has something meaningful and of substance that he actually wants to share with his shareholders.

Jan 29, 2015 01:12AM
Jan 29, 2015 04:56AM
Jan 29, 2015 08:38AM
Jan 29, 2015 09:39AM
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