Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: The ZEN Economics - Expected Avg Prices
Mar 06, 2015 10:15AM
Mar 06, 2015 10:49AM

"When you own a resource worth billions I shouldn't think it would be too hard to forge a partnership with a miner. Everyone assumes a buy-out is imminent. I would think Ken Stowe has the knowledge to go either route."

Anything is possible, but I think by nature miners think very long term but explorers generally serve up the meal for the miners and move on.....even when they have hired people who have mining expertise. I suspect the latter is usually a strategic move to enhance their position when interested parties come hunting. I also suspect the BOD would prefer a sale and to have the liberty to move on to a new project or to have the opportunity to retire and strategically place their gains for a questionable market future in the short to medium term. The majors can generally weather market storms owing to the wealth they have accrued but the explorers could quickly lose everything they have in a long term economic downturn.

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