Message: Re: Rising from the dead...Calcruiser...... but!...

Mar 23, 2007 06:58PM

Mar 24, 2007 10:26AM

As the expression goes, "you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me".

Those who went "Loooooooonnnnngggggg" in the 2000 run to $24, have endured 7 years of unnecessary stress by falling prey to greed and believing,( justified or not), that the pps was headed for $500.00...

My sincere advice is that the best plan is to sell enoungh on the way up to regain one's original investment, and yet having enough share to count left "Free", so one would care not if they go back to zero...

EDIG can wait anothger 10-20 years, but individuals would be fools to dedicate their life to dreaming that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow only if they wait another 10 years...

Good luck to all...




Mar 24, 2007 02:30PM

Mar 24, 2007 03:10PM

Mar 24, 2007 03:12PM

Mar 24, 2007 04:51PM
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