Message: Would like to see something similar to this surface...

I recognize they are not identical twins but there are parallels that certainly should be noted. OPTI took a hard fall and things looked rather bleek but their PPS has made significant gains in the short term as a result of IP protection efforts.

Regardless of outstanding share count, there was approximately a 5 fold plus move to the upside after a long flat line graph during this early litigation process...and remember, their BOD basically gave them their last rights 5 years ago.

Something EDIG investors should note, there could be room for gains well before results are known...and EDIG has an investor following like few otcbbs.

Should the market begin to interpret that their patent portfolio looks to gain validation, and considering the $25 billion flash market, interest could very well return...before the final outcome is known.

Those OPTI investors buying during the flat line period two years ago probably don't care right now how their investment ran to $8/share.

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