Message: digEcor

You ask!?...

"My concern continues to be based on a what if situation. What happens to our DM lawsuits if Wencor wins the lawsuit? Is there a direct or indirect relationship between the lawsuits as to the patents and the technology being used?"

There are several questions in you statement...


As I read WENCOR'S Law suit the crux of it was you sold me the Tech. That one was thrown out by the Court...


There was the bit about we gave you $25000 and you promised to a non-compete agreement for, (what was it?, 7YEARS? That is the part which is the nexus for the Motions etc. at present...

So, the answer to your question "is DM worried about what might happen in UTAH?", is a big fat NO...

On the other hand a DM win of a MARKMAN HEARING will decidely be Stare Decisis in any claims that WENCOR may have about any product they put out which they claim EDIG copied?!?...

A while back some one calculated the nuicense value for WENCOR suit as $95000+ dollars. Mr. VINDICTIVE has already dropped many times that and wikll continue with his shinanigans till the end.

The most significant aspect of his law suit was its probable impact on customer perception of getting involved in the middle of a mean squable. (witness the Alitalia mess). However, all that has been discounted by the IFE community now, and a confirmation of it will be an ORDER from a big customer for an embeded system which seems to be in the works...



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